The Clean Room is located in JILA X131. It is comprised of three bays:
For sample cleaning, inspection and mounting. Also used for laser cavity assembly.
Used for dry etching and ashing.
For drying samples without going through density changes.
Used for oxide growth, annealing, and diffusion.
For photolithography. Aligns masks to existing structures on a wafer and exposes the photo-resist to transfer the mask design.
Pattern writing directly on wafer or glass substrate with photoresist
For coating resist and other materials on substrates. Located on solvent bench.
For coating resist and other materials on substrates. Located on solvent bench.
Bench used for solvent cleaning, spin coating, developing.
Fume hood bench dedicated for Bases and HF use
Fume hood bench used for acid cleaning and etching.
For measuring step height and surface roughness.
For measuring sheet resistance and volume resistivity.
Measures feature height and surface quality.
This instrument is located in a specially constructed area designed to minimize vibrational, acoustic and electromagnetic interference. It is used for imaging and electron-beam writing.
For coating non-conductive SEM samples
Used for connecting wires to device.